Better than Apple Pie!

Here's something surprising...

The first Apple Pie recipe dates alll the way back to England! It was written by Geoffrey Chaucer, famed English author and poet. 

But while England may claim the invention of Apple Pie, they certainly can’t take credit for the delicious American tradition that exists today!

That’s because Apple Pie was boring and ordinary...until the Americans improved it :)

The light, flaky crust. The sweet, chunky apple cinnamon filling. These are American additions that truly make this dessert what it is today. 

But here’s the MOST amazing thing about Apple Pie...

We made it better!

Apple Pie Flavored Nut Butter. Now available on our site and!

Apple Pie Almond and Cashew Nut Butter

Here's something I used to say...

“There’s nothing better than Apple Pie!”

Here’s what I say now…

“You’ve GOT to try Legendary Foods’ Apple Pie Nut Butter! It’s the delicious taste of Apple Pie, without all the carbs.”

I say this because it’s true. And while I am writing to you from Legendary Foods, that doesn’t mean I’m not telling the truth.

I honestly LOVE this Apple Pie Flavored Nut Butter. And I think you will too :)

Low Carb keto apple pie

And while we’re being honest, here’s another confession...

I'll never eat Apple Pie again. It just has too much sugar and carbs!

But you know what? I’m ok with that. In fact, I’m more than ok with that. Because I have something even better…

Legendary Apple Pie Flavored Nut Butter!

That's right. I have the delicious taste of Apple Pie - without all the extra carbs or calories.

Thanks to Legendary Foods, I can eat what I want without sacrificing my nutrition. And that’s something I could never get with traditional Apple Pie :)

Apple Pie keto recipe

But maybe you disagree. Maybe you think nothing can beat the real thing. 

We want to know! 

Are you ready to give up Apple Pie forever and embrace Legendary Foods' amazing Apple Pie Flavored Nut Butter? 

Try some today and let me know what YOU think!


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